The Rise of Virtual Actors: AIs Role in the Next Generation of Films
by Anthony Morha Jan 07, 2025 Views (359)

There is much going on in the film industry with AI technology making virtual actors a reality. The AI companions concept started with people dating artificial intelligence in real life, or a digital world anyway, and now has gone to the big screens. 

In time, we will continue to see the rise of virtual actors and AI playing a significant role in the film industry. These virtual actors are able to take on more roles, and work more hours than those human actors in Hollywood. We honestly could see, depending on how the world takes this, AI virtual actors become the only actors we know. 

As people become more welcoming to the concept of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other options that are all digitalized we will continue to see a rise in the roles that AI plays in our lives and the entertainment industry. 

Over time, we have already seen the onset of virtual actors playing in remote parts inside of the film industry. Since CGI has come to town and live action films have become popular, virtual actors will be the next best thing in our lives. The realistic nature of AI is becoming so good that we almost cannot tell the difference between a piece of content including imagery or video that is created by AI or a human being. This will hold true in the film industry, it will seem so real that the virtual actors will almost go undetected. 

Virtual actors will combine a few different technologies to get the job done. They will have to use CGI to recreate a physical appearance of an actor in a human body form, then the AI can control many other aspects of the virtual actor. The AI can accurately control facial expressions, speech, and movements that mimic human beings almost to a T. This perfection has occurred over time, as more and more AI tools are being used to evaluate AI content and our daily habits. 

Ther are plenty of reasons why virtual actors will become the next generation of films. The cost and time efficiency alone is one of the key factors for smaller film industry folks. They don’t have as large of budget as some Hollywood studios have, this is why they need to cut corners on price without ruining quality.

Virtual actors are becoming so high quality and realistic that this is an easy choice for people who want to keep more of the profits, or just don’t have a gigantic budget to begin with. With that said, there is also the creative control and flexibility aspect of having AI in the film industry. These creations will not have an opinion on any of their roles in the film you’re created.

This will cut out the human aspect of creativity as you navigate forward in creating a film that is completely your idea. You will not have to negotiate with human actors who may have their own ideas for creative visions with the film, and perhaps won’t act in the film unless you come to some agreement with them. AI virtual actors, they don’t do this! They are here to serve you and become the best actor for your film based on the programming you tell it to abide by. 

As with most industries that are starting to use AI, we have some concerns on the ethical and moral standards of using virtual actors. Obviously, there is an issue when we start to hear about larger studios using virtual actors to cut corners and save more of their profit. We live in a world where society is a little testy and concerned about big corporations keeping too much profit and not paying their workers well.

Having a machine as your next popular virtual actor is going to mean that you don’t have to pay a fee for them to act, and they won’t try to take any of the profits for their own. This technology sure does cut down the costs associated with payment to actors, however we may find that the technology to implement the virtual actors in a realistic manner may cost more than just hiring the best human actor for a role in your film.

We are not sure what the future will look like with the rise of virtual actors and AI mingling in the film industry, but we can say for sure that it will become a significant part of the future of our movies we see out there on the big screen in a theater or at home on our streaming device. What we hope to see is some transparency around the use of virtual actors so that people do know when they’re watching Ai actors rather than real human actors.

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